Monday, March 14, 2011

Am I More Fertile After A D&c

Infallible: Skewer shrimp and monkfish with saffron sauce and caramelized peppers

Sesé San Martin, known for leading the Telva Cooking School, has written a book of his "tips and tricks to succeed." You can find easy recipes for everyday cooking, but also options for when you get friends or family at home. It also gives guidelines for setting a table properly so ... it is very entertaining and easy to read format.

Kebabs are fast and is a brilliant and very nice appetizer to vary the weekend or if you invite someone to dinner.


12 raw prawns 1 clove garlic
12 blocks of size "bite"

12 cherry tomatoes 12
skewer sticks salt, pepper and oil

For the sauce 1 leek
50g butter 100g white wine cream 200g

Peel the prawns and saute in a little oil with the garlic clove. Season with salt and pepper. In the same pan, fry the monkfish tacos. Season and reserve. Insert
on each skewer 1 shrimp, 1 piece of monkfish, and cherry tomatoes.

saffron sauce
Wash and chop the leek. Fry in skillet with butter if nthat take color.
Add wine and let evaporate. Add the saffron
Boil for 5 minutes


fascinate me as a side dish for any meat or fish.

2 cans of red peppers
80g sugar 2 cloves garlic
A stream of soy sauce.

Cut the peppers into strips.
In a pan, add the peppers in their liquid, whole peeled garlic, sugar and soy sauce.
Simmer until they are caramelized and without any liquid.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Teflon Or Silicon Grout

Three paragraphs

understand that redemption could be ignored or denied outright. I understand that I do not believe in the resurrection of the flesh or the creation ex nihilo . I understand that people can live without faith, without a love based, without real hope.

discuss While we all want to be God.

What I can not understand is that you can be denied or ignored that sin has never idolized anyone.

(Sorry, I know I have the day thick, are things that one will occur when running in the city in the rain and does not sing)

(no doubt best song):