therefore you, jumping from one place to another, I have come to meet the Motorromeros , good people who ride on two wheels, instead of going together to the Beer Festival or Festival Scavengers, they take the road and pulls, a shrine to be. Well, between the road and share prayer, cast some beer too, that it does not conflict with the religious (not by chance there is beer Franziskaner and, moreover, Paulaner). Not a bad hobby to enjoy motor with caution, common sense and spiritual sense. Never has been one of my hobbies (I like to go under cover, so the weather) and when I questioned my podiatrist appliance rider discomfort, he always ended up trying to fight my many objections to this phrase: "ah But when you're on top on a clear day, that feeling of freedom ...". Ubi Spiritus Domini, ibi libertas . That will be. Or that God can also travel on a Harley, not the God of Brady and his bestseller, but the invisible and safe companion hymn. Who knows, maybe over time, these motorromeros be decided by a long shot Porcaro will ever be (in Britain), to visit Our Lady of Bikers. Last year, the pilgrimage (half and half driven faith, I guess) had the presence of the unclassified type that is the Father Guy Gilbert, who spends thereby sparing suck hairdresser, who, at the same time gave his blessing to gathered, reminded them that if they exceeded the legal speed or jumping a stop, the blessing was going to be of little use. There are people for everything.
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