Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Can Herpes Stay On Chapstick?

The thin line clear or so accounts Serve

Sometimes I joke about calling me saying that I really did because I was very bored monk with the world economy, accounts, accounts, investments, returns, default interest and all those things that fill listings paper or screen. It is certainly a strange way to make a living by drawing or reviewing signs one day and another to retirement. I do not deny its usefulness nor its necessity, but it is undeniable that such work, although today they wanted to do a few million compatriots, no longer a matter a damn boring.
be religious may not seem more useful and surely that is not socially relevant (or occupationally Most Wanted) although it is less regular (statistically speaking, at least).

The point is that in time you realize that there are foreign tyrannies that derive from one's own capabilities and it is difficult to slip away, especially if you have a high level of numerical and verbal reasoning. So, for some years I am the treasurer of my community. The Treasurer is the kind that ensures that there is a steaming plate on the table in front of each monk, that the debts are paid at maturity and that funds are used properly entering. And, of course, that everything is painstakingly recorded in the books. I do not know if some theory that writing was invented by the priests of the ancient temples to keep track of the offerings that were faithful to the respective gods. What I do know, because history is a key that also touched me play, that our Order since its foundation is noted carefully every penny (or time per pound, salary or money) in and / or leaves, and that it realizes on time each quarter to the chapter on community and faith left by the corresponding entries in the books that have signed the present religious and then in the canonical visits are approved by the Major Superiors or General.

The fate of the Treasurer (except exceptions, if any exist, for which the position is attractive and desirable) is having to meet an awkward obligation requires precious time that one would use in occupations most genuinely religious. In a corner of my desk I have a comment to our Rule in Latin published in the seventeenth century, for at least two months awaiting a time of quiet dedication, it suggested me to publish again in Castilian translation and explanatory notes, a task asking for months of intense and careful work, work on the other hand, I admit, and certainly exciting person spiritually helpful. I remembered this volume bound in parchment this morning, while on Finance of the City, near the sea, waited resignedly on the screen to show my number to see what's ours, of a tax refund requested over a year ago. I should have remembered what our Rule prescribes on the kindness when, back home, I have discussed by telephone with the CEO of area elevator company, which he considered "a bit strong," the tone of my complaint to the Ombudsman of the company, so I had to remind him that failure of the emergency light elevator takes three months without repair and if there is a power failure the person using it is in a very dark cave, cold, soulless, with a tremendous sense of helplessness, looking for the button on the alarm with only the light of phone. Then I spend a letter from the Bank, the only contact me to offer me a leased Mercedes to debit or 6 euros for the entry of a check (fucking banker policy of "collection first and then we will protest, ask forgiveness and offer transfer") now go and write that I pass "as soon as possible" with evidence of our economic activity to meet obligations do not know what a Royal Decree of 2005. After eating some relief: a father I have been discharged in the hospital and is now back to house until next Surrogate. Father V. asks me to take tickets for Rome on Wednesday, in the end decided to go to the ordination of Brother F. Then the Father G. that says you have to go to the funeral this afternoon, which should take over the parish office for a while. What is said dispatch, dispatched not too much, I only received seven bags of used clothing and the request for a South American couple suddenly have today received the sudden illumination that they wanted to baptize his daughter twelve years without further delay without further delay, because it is now overgrown. Then I began to dive in the parish accounts to find out who installed the heating in the local for next winter will have to consider installing heating in the convent (notice the religious elders too cold for years to follow with tiny little stove in the cells and chill in the corridors), we must take account of and demand really budgets and see how we do.

So, no wonder you sometimes wonder what I done to deserve this, you know that the commentary on the Rule will have to wait a while still running, one still thinks that our vocation is Very nice, although the times are changing, that "you again tomorrow" has become the window of the school Municipal Finance in a "you go back in a couple of months," will progress, one wonders what the significance of the word "tomorrow" in the words of Officer of the elevator company (perhaps "who knows when?) in any case the Bank can expect to sit, how right he was that priest of Valencia saying how bad priests comply with the fourth commandment, the Father V. management will fray F., it will not go empty handed to see if on Monday I go to buy a shirt at least Clergy (oh, Father V., if you had not left the decision to the last minute, the buy online to Poland and shipping costs and save us all twelve eurillos) is a relief that the South American couples per household will touch another parish and the priest was able to foist such a suspicious neighbor is urgently sacramental, then goes and tells the priest that I do not waste time looking for that with the heating company Parish finally ended stuck in litigation, no mess, and well, never mind, there is still time left to ask for advice there and with whom.

So you can take comfort, finished the day, thinking that if today was a bad cold and rainy day (which they did), the cold has to do in Alaska, much less attractive has to be the life of a housewife who no longer recalls or the love song they sang at their wedding, a bit of nostalgia before taking it slow, today was a beautiful day in God and service to merit a few minutes of music when you were much younger:


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