Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mitchell Repair Mate Descargar

The best way to organize, take time away from home with your family

The rhythm of the house just burning unless you learn to put some distance from time to time. Look
online a site not far from your house (100kms), and allows you to take a walk looong looong be tired. If you like mountains to me is the best, most invigorating, but what I love the sea and you have it close, too great.

Book a night in a hotel of those little, or a cottage. If you can, I love my hostels, are very nice and family, if you also have deals with children and "young charge." She eats very well and are comfortable but austere. Arise

with time, and prepares a rich and nutritious snacks. May be of tuna and mayonnaise, breaded pork loin with green pepper ... mmm ... how delicious!, Or any sausage if you find it easier, drinks, water, fruit or Actimel and some potato chips or nuts. distribute it in various bags to spread the load.

Then make a small suitcase, a change, pajamas and toiletries (I usually put an extra pants to the children if they get wet). AND READY!

Ideally leave on Saturday the morning before 11:00, then you make sure not to leave with all the traffic. In March !!!!, an hour or so will come to the site chosen. The most invigorating, in my opinion, is to march an hour at least climb the mountain (if you're with small children and are not highly trained), and two hours of climbing (5 km or so) if you like walk, and children do not get tired.

There is no better feeling than coming after exercise, these snacks are waiting for us, sitting on a rock, and admire the scenery ... I reset wear all week.

After the descent, you will be all dreaming of reaching the hotel and give them a bath, and we all dressed for a ride, or just stay quietly in your room reading this book you on the table and only get to read from time to time, because at night has burned out, and do not spend to read more than 5 or 6 pages. Dinner at the hotel ... and sleep!.

next morning cultural visit to a monument of the town or city where you are staying, snack strong, and back home by 3:00 pm, to avoid jams.

'll see Moonrise on Monday as new and eager to think of new recipes, ideas to organize yourselves better, etc ... because ... you oxygenate the brain and spirit.

This plan can be arranged from Friday evening to Saturday. Snacks would be in charge of the hotel, and back home directly after the march, sparkling bath, and just relax with a good book and eat some cheese or pate in the living room.


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