This recipe is a mixture of several I've been learning and adapting quantities so I can not refer to any particular recipe.
remain a very rich cookies, ideal for an aperitif and also very easy to make.
I encourage you to take the meal and have fun for a while: D
140 gr bread flour
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
100 g
grated fresh Parmesan cheese 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons milk or heavy salt water
to sprinkle pepper, oregano, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, sesame ... In short, what we want.
as I have no other more appropriate utensil use the chopper blender to mix all ingredients before mixing, so he threw in the flour, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt, grated cheese and to put butter and mix.
When it's a bit together add the tablespoons of milk or water and continue mixing. And finally we took her out of the chopper and just knead with hands. It should be a united mass soft but not sticky.
Roll out the dough on a floured surface so it is very thin. I used to cut the dough into a shot glass so we started to cut into circles and are put on the cookie sheet to which we will put a parchment paper or vegetable to prevent sticking.
I threw them all a pinch of sea salt and spices we like we want.
introduce the tray into the preheated oven. Bake at 200 ยบ until golden brown, about 10 minutes or whatever you need, making sure that we are not burning but it stuck with that golden crisp.
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