Saturday, November 20, 2010

Short Walkthrough Wall Cheat/soulsilver

Be proactive, than the Christmas do not take the lead

Before reading the entry check out this video will give you an idea!

Maybe you think of something soon to think about Christmas ... Well it's time to get organized though it might seem strange especially if you live in a family or have many friends, or , the two things, because Christmas has always invited people out and go home, there are a thousand things to do. Best not to get overwhelmed is organized!!

My advice: Always a couple of plates and frozen, you can improvise a meal or a cena.Siempre in small containers that allow you to choose the amount that you are thawing. Aluminum containers used to sell Albal or another brand that comes with lid and are disposable, if you have enough of the journal.

give you a few ideas:
  1. Any type of cream or mashed : Zucchini, lentils, carrots, squash, etc. .. is better not to add cream or milk before freezing, when put to heat, it always tries to simmer and move well with a whisk to flirt around and is smooth again.
  2. Caldo : it is very handy, make a good chicken or vegetable broth, or cooked and can be frozen desgrasalo once cool. Beef stew
  3. : In pieces rather small, but lazy. If you add vegetables, remove it before freezing, and you can bring to a boil about guidsantes frozen in a saucepan when you're ready to serve, and add at the moment.
  4. Legumes: 've tried to soften the beans, and store in freezer Tuppers are very useful to add a soup, a salad (tomato egg ycebolla for example, all chopped very very small), or them chopped fried onions and fried eggs (plate strong Castilian). The lentil soup, but removing the vegetables, if you put chorizo \u200b\u200band do the same with meat stew).
  5. meatballs : Make them small, and the thaw, have a small saucepan of boiling water with chicken broth (Avecrem x ej) to give flavor and if you remain somewhat dry, so you can add it at the time .
  6. Rice: It is well to thaw if you cook with a little garlic or onion chopped very small.
  7. pork tenderloin, or roast . Just thaw and puree The potato flakes can be Maggi, made in a moment.
And many more than likely occur to you. Courage! Christmas rush arrives before you know it. You have to enjoy with family and friends. Think and write the menus you want to put on holiday, working on several in advance, freeze, then you can vary, but will work half finished!

Recommendations to freeze
  • Make sure your freezer is at -18 ยบ C.
  • When buying frozen, take them home as soon as possible.
  • food frozen only they are cool.
  • To avoid forming large ice crystals (which ruin the taste and texture of your food) and not grow bacteria, freezing should be rapid. So it is best to divide your food into small portions.
  • Place food in freezer bags or rigid containers. This prevents cross contamination and that the intense cold "burn" food.
  • Always defrost your food in the fridge. If you need to thaw quickly, place your food in an airtight container and immerse in cold water. You can also use the microwave if you're going to cook immediately. Never thaw at room environment nor refreeze thawed food.
  • clearly label everything you put in the freezer.


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